Yevgeniia Mendela
assistant of the department of hotel, restaurant and resort affairs
Personal data:Ukrainian, married, born on March 3, 1989.
Languages: Ukrainian, Czech, English – with a dictionary.
Interests: tourist trips, innovative and information technologies in the hotel and restaurant sector, development of soft skills among hotel and restaurant professionals, design of hotel and restaurant establishments.
Education:She graduated from Vasyl Stefanyk State Higher Education Institution in 2020, majoring in Hotel and Restaurant Business, qualification as Manager in Hotel and Restaurant Management. Professional in the field of hotel, restaurant and sanatorium-resort business. Diploma with honors M20 No. 127176.
Articles in professional publications of Ukraine:
- Mendela Y. M. System of economic levers for stimulating rational nature use. Actual problems of the development of the economy of the region. Vol. 17. T.2. Ivano-Frankivsk: Prykarpattia National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk. 2021. P. 281–287.
- Mendela I.Ya., Mendela Y.M. Marketing innovations in the hotel business. Tourism and hospitality industry in Central and Eastern Europe. 2022. Issue 4. P.21–25.
- Mendela Y.M., Rumyantseva I.B. Innovative activity in the hotel industry. Black Sea Economic Studies. Economic scientific and practical journal. Vol. 73/2022. P. 141–143.
- Mendela Y. M. Architecture as the main factor in forming the image of a hotel enterprise. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, Volume 1, Issue 3, August 2022, pp. 183-189.
- Mendela I.Ya., Mendela Y.M. “Soft skills” as a guarantee of successful business of hotel and restaurant enterprises. Problems of modern transformations. Series: Economics and Management, (3). 2022. https://doi.org/10.54929/2786-5738-2022-3-12-01
- Blagun I. S., Romaniuk M. D., Suduk N. V., Mendela Y. M. Ensuring sustainable development of Ukraine and the countries of the world on the basis of adjusting linear economy models. Business Inform. 2022. No. 1. C. 95–101.
- Rumyantseva I.B., Mendela Y.M. The role of quality food products in the modern human diet. Scientific Bulletin of Odessa National Economic University. Collection of scientific works No. 5-6 (294-295), 2022. P. 114-119.
- Mendela Y. M. Landscape design as an integral part of the aesthetics of the territory of the hotel and restaurant business. “International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture”, issue #4, October 01, 2022. https://doi.org/10.46299/j.isjea.20220104.07
- Blagun I. S., Mendela Y. M. Circular model of the development of the forestry complex of Ukraine. Scientific perspectives: journal. 2022. No. 11(29) 2022. P. 114-127.
- Mendela Y. M. Innovative development of the forestry industry of Ukraine. Scientific journal. Bulletin of the Khmelnytskyi National University. Economic sciences. 2022, No. 6, Volume 1. P. 50-61.
- Blagun I. S., Mendela Y. M. Genesis of approaches to modeling the economic development of the forestry complex. Ukrainian Journal of Applied Economics. Western Ukrainian National University. No. 3. 2022. P. 38-46.
- Mendela I. Ya., Mendela Y. M. Competitive innovative strategies in the resort business. Actual problems of the development of the economy of the region: a scientific journal. Ivano-Frankivsk: Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University Publishing House, 2023. Issue 19, pp. 49-56.
- Mendela, I. Ya., & Mendela, Y. M. (2023). The role of project visualization in modern hotel design. Problems of modern transformations. Series: economics and management, (9). https://doi.org/10.54929/2786-5738-2023-9-12-02.
Abstracts of conferences:
- Mendela Y.M., Mendela I.Ya. Features of inclusive education (on the example of Ivano-Frankivsk). Actual problems of modern science and education (part I): materials of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference in Lviv, November 9-10, 2020. Lviv: Lviv Scientific Forum, 2020. P. 33 – 34.
- Mendela Y.M. Development of Soft Skills in students. Scientific and practical aspects of modern economic education and science: innovations, digitalization, integration – IDI. Odesa: Helvetica, 2021. P. 73-75.
- Mendela Y.M. Prospects for the domestic development of tourism in the conditions of the pandemic. Modern trends in the development of the tourism and hospitality industry: global challenges. Materials of the international scientific and practical internet conference, Kharkiv / team of authors; Kharkiv National University of Urban Economy named after O.M. Beketova, 2022. P. 165 – 167.
- Mendela Y.M. Innovative approaches to the formation of Soft Skills in the professional activity of specialists in the service sector. Innovations, hospitality, tourism: science, education, practice: coll. theses add. II All-Ukrainian science and practice conf. minor of scientists, asp. And studies. (May 19, 2022, Lviv). Lviv: LDUFK named after Ivan Boberskyi, 2022. P.157-159.
- Mendela Y.M. Modern hotel design is the key to successful business. XXIV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Multidisciplinary academic notes. Science research and practice”, June 21-24, 2022, Madrid, Spain. P. 62 – 65.
- Mendela Y.M. Basic architectural concepts of hotel enterprises. XXV International scientific and practical conference “Innovative trends of science and practice, tasks and ways to solve them” June 28-July 1, 2022, Athens, Greece. P. 54 – 55.
- Mendela Y.M. Modern architectural styles of interiors of conceptual hotels. International scientific and practical conference “Strategic priorities for the development of science, education and society”. June 22, 2022. Poltava, Ukraine. P. 31 – 32.
- Mendela Y. M., Petryk B. M. Modern innovations of the hotel and restaurant business. Materials of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Hotel and Restaurant Business and Resort Business of Ukraine” (Ivano-Frankivsk, December 6, 2022) / Vasyl Stefanyk Prykarpatsky National University / head. editor – Prof. Volodymyr Klapchuk. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2022. P.188-190.
- Mendela Y. M. Design solution for restaurants in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Hotel and Restaurant Business and Resort Business of Ukraine” (Ivano-Frankivsk, December 6, 2022) / Vasyl Stefanyk Prykarpatsky National University / head. editor – Prof. Volodymyr Klapchuk. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2022. P. 332-335.
- Mendela I.Ya., Mendela Y.M. The use of artificial intelligence in the restaurant business. Digital society: management, finance and society: materials of the international scientific and practical conference. Dnipro: University of Customs and Finance, 2023. Volume 2. P.120-121.
- Mendela Y.M., Barna D., Lemko M. Crisis phenomena in the hospitality and tourism industry. Innovations, trends and challenges in the hospitality industry: materials of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference (May 4-5, 2023). Lviv: LTEU, 2023. pp. 14-18.
- Mendela Y. M., Petryk B. Innovative technologies in the domestic hotel and restaurant industry. Innovations, trends and challenges in the hospitality industry: materials of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference (May 4-5, 2023). Lviv: LTEU, 2023. p. 172-174.
- Mendela I.Ya., Mendela Y.M. E-hospitality: using digital solutions. Innovations, hospitality, tourism: science, education, practice: materials of the 3rd All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of young scientists, graduate students and students with international participation. Lviv: Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture, 2023. P.149-151.
Educational and methodological publications:
- Y.M. Mendela Glossary of key terms from the discipline “Equipment of the GRG institutions”. Ivano-Frankivsk: Printing Territory, 2022. 42 p.
- Y.M. Mendela Laboratory practicum on the discipline “Equipment of the State Educational Institutions”. Ivano-Frankivsk: Printing Territory, 2022. 64 p.
Teaching experience – 3 years
Disciplines taught by:
Engineering solution and design of hotel and restaurant establishments – OP “Hotel and restaurant business”, Designing of hotel and restaurant establishments – OP “Hotel and restaurant business”, Information technologies in the hotel and restaurant economy – OP “Hotel and restaurant business”, Soft skills and communications in the hotel business – OP “International hotel business”.
Certification training:
ZVO “International University of Business and Law” Scientific and practical aspects of modern economic education and science: innovations, digitalization, integration – IDI – Certificate No. ADV-151122-ECO dated 12.26.2021.
Reikartz Hotel Group Level up together with Reikartz – Certificate TQOJAG-CE000016, 2021.
Non-formal education:
Certificate “Artificial Intelligence and Society: Pros and Cons” dated March 1, 2023.
Certificate “Design-thinking and innovation for NGOs” dated March 4, 2023.
Certificate “On guard of business interests” dated 03/27/2023.
Certificate “Improving the qualifications of teaching staff: new requirements and opportunities” on Prometheus dated 04/07/2023.
Certificate “Critical thinking in the Ukrainian context” on Prometheus dated April 7, 2023.
Certificate “Overcoming the crisis. Economic challenges of modern times” dated 04/07/2023.
Certificate “The welfare of the planet: what everyone should know and can do” on Prometheus dated April 8, 2023.
Certificate “Technologies of the hospitality industry for personnel” on Prometheus dated 04/09/2023.
Certificate “ProKrym: state policy of the reintegration of Crimea” dated April 8, 2023.
Certificate “Innovations, trends and challenges in the hospitality industry” 05.05.2023.
“Fundamentals of Project Management” certificate for Prometheus dated June 7, 2023.
Certificate “Creative thinking” dated 06/12/2023.
Public activity:
Member of the General Assembly “Hospitality Industry Association of Ukraine” (2022)
since 2023 – a member of the All-Ukrainian Association of Guides (from 2023 to today, certificate No. 076).
Thanks of Vasyl Stefanyk Prykarpattia National University for conscientious work, organizational activity, high professionalism and on the occasion of celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Faculty of Tourism, 2023.
Scientific databases: